Friday, April 02, 2004


it was always a favorite recurring game among email groups to have a set of 20 or so questions of personal items that the sender answers, sends to all his/ her friends, then asks that the friends respond and pass the questions along, so on and so on.

this has apparently become the most important purpose for the friendster bulletin board... (aside from spreading that bulletin about ' if you don't post this in your own bulletin board, your profile will be deleted...' , just to find out how many of your friends are gullible suckers!)

among the questions you're likely to see are:

do you smoke/ drink/ hash/ bang/ all other 'activities that might make you seem dirtier and cooler than you actually look'?- and all other variations.

what are you wearing/ not wearing/ right now? (as if thoughts of your friends in various states of dress or undress is intriguing, and, in the first place, relevant)

are you hoping that he/ she will still wants you back? (oh boy, i won't even START on this one!)

... and so forth. now, i was thinking, 'if i made one of these things, what 20 or so questions would I ask?'...

and so goes the rest.

if you could play one wind instrument, which would it be?

for the rest of your life: rice or bread?

what would be your governing logic in 'cutting in' a line?

john mayer or jason mraz?

do people who drive slower than you irritate you?

do you consider people who drive faster than you maniacs?

are you willing to admit to a friend (other than your boyfriend/ girlfriend) that you have thought of them sexually? (don't be a hypocrite!)

would you rather learn an ordinary but ancient prayer of a religion that isn't yours, or a profound but modern prayer of your own?

why would you (or not) ask directions if you're lost?

tim burton or quentin tarantino?

pick one among the 5 Planeteers (uh-oh, my age is showing)

in a situation where you 'find' someone when you're already 'attached', whose life is most wronged?

what's something that you once really liked (or, heck, still do) that is now considered revoltingly cheesy?

do you think it's wrong to say, 'thanks' when you're offered condolences?

"And I should've known it would come to an end cause we became lovers before we were friends"- agree?

in the vein of 'ocean's twelve', 'analyze that', and 'the whole ten yards', what quirky title would you give a movie sequel?

would you rather be able to relate to people 3-5 years your junior, or 3-5 your senior?

...well, this is what i've thought of for now, and if you've come across this blog, maybe you could come up with some of your own.

and when you're done, you know where to post it.

i'm answering your 20 questions. haha! *click*click*
where'd you post it?

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